My Services

From brown bobs to rainbow mullets, I’m here to help you achieve all of your hair dreams.

Sometimes it’s hard to know what to book in for! Consultations are complimentary and can be done in person or virtually so that’s always a great place to start. If you’re new to me, I’ll always reach out to confirm your booking before your appointment. If you’re returning to me and I see you’ve booked more or less time than usual, I’ll reach out to you as well!

Worried about the cost? Worried about time? Contact me or book in for a consultation. I always do my best to respect your budget and your time!

*all prices displayed in online booking are approximate.


I need a change!

A person who changes their hair is about to change their life. Come on in, together we will talk to create a custom look to reinvigorate your style. Any change can be high impact, let’s find what’s right for you.

When you book in for a change, please add a note to your booking of what you are hoping to do with your hair. If you aren’t sure yet, that’s ok! You can book in for a consult so we can decide together and book you in for the right amount of time.

$75/hr + Product

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I need a refresh!

Love your hair already? Perfect! We can trim it up and refresh your color with simple maintenance to keep you feeling your best. I always look forward to visits where we can catch up.

If you normally add dimension or hilights, just let me know in the comments of your booking if you are looking for a tone, or if you’d like to add some more dimension or hilights this visit to make sure we’ve got you booked in for the right amount of time.

$75/hr + Product

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I need help!

If you’re struggling to gain the length or color of your dreams, book in! I will provide specialty treatments and education to get you to where you want to be, all I need from you is a little time, patience, and trust!

Book in for a Haircut and Treatment or just a simple Consultation to build a plan together!

$75/hr + Product